The Goodman Cancer Research Centre is presenting a public lecture on HPV on Wednesday, November 20 2019 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM.
From discovery of HPV to elimination of the cancers that it causes: How scientific research will help save millions of lives
"The clinical consequences of HPV-related cancers in women."
Lucy Gilbert
MD, MSc, FRCOG. Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Department of Oncology, McGill University. Director, Gynecologic Cancer Service, MUHC, Cedars Cancer Centre.
"What is HPV and why do viral infections cause cancer?"
Joe Teodoro
Professor, Department of Biochemistry. Full member, GCRC. McGill University.
"Can we eliminate cervical cancer and other HPV-associated diseases?" Eduardo Franco James McGill Professor, Departments of Oncology and Epidemiology & Biostatistics. Director, Division of Cancer Epidemiology. Chairman, Department of Oncology, McGill University.
You are all welcome to join this lecture at the McIntyre Medical Sciences Building, 1200 Pine Avenue West, 6th Floor, Montreal, QC H3A 1X1
To register, email: